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Lip care

Your lips need as much care as the rest of your skin. The delicate, sensitive, and thin epidermis of the lips does not contain sebaceous glands, therefore it reacts quite sharply to environmental factors.

Such phenomena as dry lips, flaking and peeling, cracked lips, unattractive appearance – all this is a reflection of improper care and non-compliance with basic recommendations.

Why lips can look unappealing:

— the negative impact of the external environment: wind, frost, scorching sun, sharp temperature fluctuations;

— smoking;

— lip biting;

— age-related changes;

— vitamin and mineral deficiency;

— improper lip care routine.

Modern cosmetic products for lip skincare contain nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that help lips remain fresh, juicy, and good-looking.

Beauty store “CUTIS MEDICAL” offers a wide range of lip care cosmetic products. There you can find and order professional cosmetics and personal care products. Cutis Medical online store has the best brands and certified products to maintain your beauty and youth.

Lip care routine:

The stages of the lip skincare routine are practically the same as those for other skin areas. To maintain attractiveness and freshness, you need to cleanse, hydrate, nourish, and protect your lips.

Use makeup removers and cleansing mousses or gels for lip cleansing.

Tonic or lotion can help you moisturize your lips.

Lip skin nourishment can be carried out not only with special emulsions, creams, and balms. You can also use lip masks that have become very popular lately.

Special balms and creams will help protect your lips from the harmful effects of sunlight or strong winds. You should apply them before going outside.

Experts recommend using professional lip care products from well-known manufacturers since they have a good composition and have proven to be effective. These high-quality products will effectively moisturize, nourish, and protect the skin of the lips; they can fill all the needs of the lip skin and make them look attractive.

You can completely restore the beauty of your lips at home even if you use decorative cosmetics every day. Lip care cosmetic products can help relieve redness, peeling and flaking, and other unpleasant symptoms.

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